Labels:text | screenshot | number | font | parallel | document | diagram OCR: JAH - The root of the CMHTREE AT + The alpha test directory MSC.PLT + Platform directories SUN4GCC.PLT SUN4SH.PLT TBC.PLT TDOS.PLT TMSC.PLT RELEASE + The release directory MSC.PLT + Platform directories TBC.PLT TDOS.PLT TMSC.PLT The share directory Holds an index to all shares.log files PRIVATE + For restricted, non-public sharing. TT TTTT - MSC.PLT Platform directories SUN4GCC.PLT (I've never had to use restricted, non-public. - TBC.PLT sharing, so these directories are always empty.) - TMSC.PLT TTTT MSC.PLT + Platform directories for shared files TBC.PLT TDOS.PLT TMSC.PLT Figure 5-3. My CMHTREE